Thursday, August 6, 2015

** Good to Know **

Many good things we intend and wish, but unfortunately, very few strive to achieve.
It's good to know that there are men of science, but it is better to be men and women of conscience.
It's good to know what we have to do, but it's best to do what we do.
It's good to make plans and set a purpose, but it is better to take them out.
It's good to want success but is best done the things necessary to achieve it.
It's good to make promises, but better comply.
Nice to have dignity, but it is better not to step on the other.
It's good to have it all, but it's better to share with which he has nothing.
It's good being loved and understood, but it is better to love and understand.
It's good to try not to fail, but it is better to help the failed.
It is good to seek the truth, but it is always best to speak with her.
It's good to have faith, but it is better to sow it in the not yet know God.
But do it now, because time is passing.

Cap: ISON MAN - Nick (darks) @ TMD!!

Pants: // SEUL GARCON \\ Flannel Layered Trousers - Onyx @ TMD!!

Boots: [Gos] Triumph Boots for Men - Worn